What Are Some Medical Sex Toys?


The common popular sex toys are dildos, vibrators, and cock rings. However, did you know that there are some sex toys that fall under the category of medical sex toys? One can easily buy such sex toys online. Medical surgical sex toys are often derived and associated with the practise of medicine, however, note that they are still mainly use for facilitating pleasure and arousal. Now in modern context, it is often used for role playing and even more extreme form of pleasure and pain.

Waternberg Wheel

This medical sex toy acts as a pin wheel that is meant to be used to roll over a person’s skin. Be sure to choose one that you are comfortable using. This sex toy model often comes in different number of spikes and pin wheels and they range from light to more intense kind of model.

Urethral Sound

A urethral sound looks like a mini steel rod that is used for men. It is meant to be inserted into the men’s penis to achieve both pleasure and pain at the same time. They are often sold with a width of 17mm and it meant to be pushed into the penis as far as the person’s threshold.


The speculum comes in either steel or plastic and it is meant to prize open an anus or vagina. It is mostly used for expanding the anus or vagina and are meant to go along with penetration. In addition, this sex toy is fairly straight forward for cleaning.


A douche belongs to the medical sex toy classification. It is a unisex device that keeps water and is meant to squirt water unto the anus or vaginal areas and it acts as a cleanser.

Breast Pumps

Breast pumps are meant to increase sensations around the nipple area of a women. Its cup on the end of it is meant to go around the nipple area. One can simply squeeze the bulb that will extract air away from the area surrounding the nipple, thereby extending the length of the nipple and causing a certain sensation.

Glycerine Squirt

Lastly, a glycerine squirt is a steel equipment that allows up to 200 centimetres of liquid to be squeezed out into the penis, vagina or even anus through the nozzle end for a unique sensation.

By utilising sex toys for solo play, you can gain an understanding of both the inner and outer aspects of the body. The human body is a work of art in perfect harmony.

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